Monday, 20 May 2019

Do you know... what it feels when you can't trus your words?

I have had this problem quit a long time. Sometimes it's easier, just tiny things, loose some one word... but then.. there's times, when my mouth let out something that I didn't mean to say at all.
It's horrifying. Thankfully, I don't too often hurt peoples feelings.. not that I mind that If I meant to hurt them, but It's horrible to hurt others, simply because your words betray you completely.
Now. I don't know is it related to adhd or Bipolar or what a hell.. But it's annoying as hell. It does affect my life. Mostly by the way of .. I HATE PHONES.
I hate it. Because I don't see the huuuman at the another end. If my mouth fuck me up, the another one don't see my shock and horror, he/she can easily think I meant it. Also, I don't see their face so I don't know what the reaction there is truly, not that I could say I'm good at reading people anyhow.
But yeah. I love words, I know how to use em, I know amazingly huge amounts of them and even where and how to use em... well.. most of. I know words in 4 languages... well enough to say hi and order tea.
But that's why I'm more likely to send emails and messages, there, I usually can double check that I haven't accidentally add sentences or words that I wasn't even thinking of.
I don't know..
Do anyone suffer similar thing? 

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