Monday, 2 April 2018

It's tiresome

The thing about all my illnesses is… what they can do to me.

Let me tell you about this one time… ok.. I wrote this then but took a while to get it on readable format.

It began nicely, we got accidentally two turtles, red ear sliders, we thought to build terrarium. You know dry place for turtles to get some sun “warm light”.

I'm usually quite good at building stuff… What I didn't take on picture was that my Bipolar medication doesn't work and I'm still new to fibromyalgia. I can't even remember yesterday well enough to tell you a proper story.

Basically what happened. I was megalomaniac zombie.. I was so sure I knew what I was doing and that my plan was the best one.

So  I made hardly standing terrarium but it's God damned ugly, also thankfully it's hardly working.

If I would have listened wife from the beginning, we would have save money and time and nerves.

What did I get from this? My body is in horrible pain, my brain is in zombie mode. I can't work.

I hate to need help from others in simple things like making food or cleaning or building terrarium.

I hate that I can't think the way I use to. I hate to make my loved ones do extra, triple work because my body and mind decided to phock me up at the same time.

Even writing this down is hard, my hands hurt, I'm forgetting stuff.

Right now… Did I learn anything? I learned that I must listen wife. More then, when I feel like I know what I'm doing.

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