One night, just about that time, when I really thought I could sleep, wanted to sleep, that time, when quite usually my brains go "FUCK YOU DILI DILI DING DONG AND JIIHAA MOTHER FUCKER TAXI TAXI TAXI IN CALCUTTA" It hit me. A thought that had come and go often trough my head. That maybe it is finally time to try to write another time a book. So I started that. Right there and then. On my phone.... And it suck.. writing on the phone, so I change to my laptop.
I shall explain, well.. I shall try to explain. No warranties that it'll help.
Thing is this. I want to write a story of my life... well... kind a... I don't want that my relatives or family can be identified, because they might be shamed of how I see them or how things have gone. So I will do this another way.
My story shall be true, but completely fiction. Maybe even so much of a fiction that we go to levels of fantasy or scifi, because, as you might know.. I do enjoy those genres the most.
But yes, I will write in the ME point of view and ME the "hero" of the story shall be me! What happens might be close enough... but.. aaahm well.. with my imagination.. I think it's better say.. this project did start as my fictional biography.
Here's a short TRUE facts of the writer, that is me.
I am Father, Husband, Craftsman/Artist and quite bonkers.
I have adhd, Bipolar disorder, fibromyalgia, and... well, let's say just.. that those are not all.
I love nature, forest, flowers.
I don't like humans as species or even nations or.. small groups.. some individuals are OK.
that's enough.. Oh.. wait.. I like to prepare for end of the world as we know it.... and laugh at those, who say they do the same in the reality-tv.
Now.. I thought I will write the story here. on my blog.. but then again. I think maybe I should start writing it , so .. the ... episodes wont dig in all the other stuff I write here..
well I must think about this some more.
Well.. I've been thinking this about week or so..
and.. because I do have another novel idea also in my head.. I think.. I shall start writing this completely fictional self biography and then.. publish it in new blog.
I don't know where this goes, because I really don't remember much of my past and as I said there is this funky habit of mine to get creative all the time and dive in to pure fiction.
and since I began writing it on my computer, since first page... it turned to complete fiction.. fantasy that has hint's of my life in it..
oh well.. it got story and I must now write it.
Funny thing happened since I began writing.. after third page, I realized that I was writing in English. It's not my first language so .. this will be interesting.
Maybe someday I let others read it.
The Faulty Man has: ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Fibromyalgia, and all the stuff those does, (dyslexia, mania, tremors, pain, dizziness, unable to concentrate much., , and lot’s of broken joint’s and such. … and .. asthma
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