I'm trying, but I'm not well and it seems that so many in my generation has swallowed the capitalistic propaganda
All this shit is starting to annoy me much.
Not the shit in me or my personal life, caused by me medical... difficulties.
But the shit that happens everywhere.
Since when Nazi's weren't complete and utter shit? Since fucking when it has been OK to tell others to kill in the name of race or religion?
When the hell have humans fall this down again?
How the white men feel so scared that they do shit and then blame it on the victims. How the so called leaders of countries almost systematically destroy the earth, the economy, the future of the children, all in the name of capitalism. There seem to be some Humans among the leaders, sadly non in Finland and for sure non in USA or UK.. what I've looked around even Australia is going to shit.
If so called leaders of world keep on inciting racism attacks on other religious, blame sick, unemployed, old and young of the shit that happens because THEY don't care.. well they don't deserve to be the leaders.
Young people. we have seen what the governments have done lately, so I say it's time to try something else.
SO first, before hostile takeover (as so many of the world leaders have done in the business world... well not those who get the little bit of money from dad to start the business and then have ruined almost everything... did you know that Lady Gaga is more successful in business that Trump ever?) let's try this voting thing. I know most of us (yes I consider my self quite young yet) have lost the hope of voting because of the fucking babyboomers who have lost if ever had any moral or caring to the future of earth... but damn.. they will die sooner or later... so YOU must start take over.
Speak to your parents. At least try to make them see how they are hurting you by voting the same shit again and again.
You people, oh you young people. Save us.
Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.
The Faulty Man has: ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Fibromyalgia, and all the stuff those does, (dyslexia, mania, tremors, pain, dizziness, unable to concentrate much., , and lot’s of broken joint’s and such. … and .. asthma
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