Friday 30 November 2018



I know the world seems to think that Finnish medical care is good, and it is if you are rich and at least got a job. But for someone like me, it's difficult to get help.

I've been now 9 months on sick leave because of my combination of Bipolar disorder and fibromyalgia or.. because of the difficulties to find medicine for them that work and not make everything else worse. Now when you add my adhd and withered intervertebral disc that cause its own pain… well it's difficult.

But to my surprise my normal doctor decided to seek consultation from pain specialist and then she asked me can she talk with my psychiatrist… and… they found some new medication to try, something that might help with both, the pain and balance my head.

I have just began it so can't say much yet, but it gives me hope.

psychiatrist… she wrote me a year… of rehabilitation if that goes through with the government, that I dare not be hopeful because of me earlier experiences with bureaucracy of that institution… could get me back to school, new work or… disability pension. We shall see… currently I'm happy if the rehab goes trough.

psychiatrist… she's confused with me.. she has given me new diagnoses something about personality  disorder but that and older .. she wants to dig deeper in my head. Now she's bringing new help in ...some psychologist to see can they with my nurse get something out of me.

But it sounds that I'm quite a case

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