I keep on writing up my happy memories in my battle with depression.
It seems to me, that most of my happy memories involve my family.
So here's some.
I can't say when...
But we had met, spend time together. I can't remember why, or where.. just that in the city we studied.
One night, I don't know where there just the two of us, or was there others..
We sit in swings in the children playground. Talking.
Talking about everything. Laughing together.
That's one of my most precious memories.
I hate that I can't remember more.
But I remember the first time she kissed me. To me it was pure magic.
I do remember how I sit in bench in school, her leg's were in my lap and teacher walk by and (can't remember the words) and was .. "so sweet."
I remember how I lived alone.. alone indeed in this tiny and horrible apartment. How once I came there from my parents place... and she was sitting on the porch with big bag of clothes and stuff. and she looked happy, as happy as I was.
I remember the calls, the letters we send each others when we were apart. I was poor writer then, so I think i draw stuff I thought to be romantic.. I have no idea were those.
I remember how she tease me about easy I was... but she never realized that I was easy only because of her. it was she, who made me easy... for her.
I remember how we talked about everything. She told me so much, stuff that she don't even remember she told me then. She said that I didn't tell her as much, but I told what I could and most of all, I told her about my feelings.
I remember how she made me feel... wanted... loved... missed.
This helps. It helps to remember the good stuff. I just hope to remember more.
It's bit weird perhaps how many of my good memories are connected to her. But.. it's not to me.
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