I am saddened that I can't remember much about my offspring childhood. But there is somethings.
I remember how I was playing with him at the floor and he drool all over me.
I remember how when we tried to bath him, we needed umbrella.
I remember how I took him fishing with me, and how much he loved to get more fishes than me.
I remember his absolute belief that I could fix everything.
I loved to read him stories. We read Hobbit, and I think even Lord of the rings? and sometimes I just made up stories for him and oh boy did he love those.
When he was just tiny and had a bad day, there was two ways to calm him. Either listening Metallica or me talking. I mean, those were two of my tools.
I remember how he build always and everything.
I have it still. the bookmark he made for me. once he got angry at me, for reason that I can't remember, and he rip the bookmark in pieces... and then.. after short while he taped it back together.. I still love that bookmark and use it all the time.
The first day at school. I think we walked there all three... It was horrible, but I was also quite proud.
The offspring have always been kind. Even as kid he went to talk with everyone and somehow even the drunk old people were nice to him. He is still kind and tender soul.
Once he wanted to sleep in tent after some party. So we put the tent up and went to sleep... but then.. he had eaten so much all the party food, that he got sick.
I remember how he was sitting on computer, and playing Tetris like a pro... then .. bit later I realized that it was demo on, and he only pretended to play.
The Faulty Man has: ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Fibromyalgia, and all the stuff those does, (dyslexia, mania, tremors, pain, dizziness, unable to concentrate much., , and lot’s of broken joint’s and such. … and .. asthma
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