Sunday, 7 April 2019

one of the best.

She told me, she was pregnant. I don't think it was completely planned, but it wasn't either unwanted, maybe bit more on the side of planned. I was young and I was so ready to be father.

I remember how I called to my dad. Told him that he's going to be grandfather.
Dad was.. "Oho.. really. well.. " and cut the phone. Couple minutes later. He called back and was like completely different man. He was so happy and so joyous.

The pregnancy wasn't easy, there was stuff I believe, again sadly I can't remember.

I remember how I talked to baby when it was still inside her.

I remember how it had to be done by C-section because he was so big and... something.

I remember how annoyed I was that nurses and doctors didn't let me be with her in the room, I had to watch trough some glass when I wanted to be there, holding her hand.

I remember how nurse walked to me, with tiny human in her hands.

I remember how my heart melt when i saw that tiny troll.

I remember how scared I was to hold him.

I remember how everything change.

I remember how nurse teach me how to change the diaper. Wash him.

I remember how we took family room in hospital, even that we didn't really could afford it.. but I wanted to much to sleep next to them.

I remember so much also not good stuff... I even wrote those here.. then I deleted it and pretend for now, it didn't happen.

I hope I can sleep now.

If there's anything I'm proud. It's our offspring. WE have help this amazing young offspring to find who he is.

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