Different, special.
It’s quite amazing how much humans are annoyed and terrified by people who are different… even that when you really look at it, we are all different from each other’s. Different by colour of hair, eyes or skin, Different skills, different brainwaves, different DNA. Different by birth, different by accident or different by choice.
It’s sad, that humans as race, who has gone all the way to the moon, still can’t handle the reality. How some of us are still threatened by people who are not like them, how being different is reason enough to attack verbally or even physically.
But there’s different kind of differences, how people can be special. There are humans, who can’t understand, that in that really sick and broken body can live brilliant mind that shames as all, if only given chance.
There are special people, who look like most of us, but inside are something completely different.
There’s mental health problems, children’s of weeeeird communities, humans from completely different cultures immigrated, and then there are those who just are different.
Who think different, work differently and struggle to be around other “normal” humans. There might be some “illness” that cause it or structural difference in the brains, if they are lucky, there’s medicine that help them to survive around “normal”
The medical help, is not actually for the Special human, but it’s for the society around, because sadly still our bureaucracy, government, hardly anything works for special people, so we eat medicine for other’s to gain. The medication is for the broken system that is stuck in the idea of “normal” that doesn’t exist. Still, after the sacrifice the Special, different ones are those who suffer. Still they are told they are stupid, slow and even evil even that the truth is, that the stupidity is in the eyes of the other’s who can’t see more. Who refuse to see, that there can be different way.
I think, I’m one of those evolutions stumbles, some of my illnesses are really just special traits in my mind and medicine I take I take for the others. I eat my medicine for my loved ones, so they have little bit easier with me and that’s fine, that’s something I want to do. But I don’t want to have to eat medicine because of the society around me, people who matter nothing to me, archaic schools, Bureaucracy that only feed it self.
But I eat it. I eat my medicine and try my best.
Some of my differences are so radical, that as I said, I eat my medicine gladly because of my family but some I eat because it’s only way to stay part of human race, not to scream in corner of round room, because of stupidity of others, to cheat my way through schools, look like understanding the meaning of most of the jobs..
I strongly believe that we, the different are the future. If we look back in time now, it was my kind of evolution miss steps, that have forced us as race to go forward, even that most of us are always fighting to the chance. More and more, Youth of the nation’s feel outsiders , feel they are different sexually, physically, mentally… or look the world ways that even I can’t comprehend. They are special in ways we can’t see, and they need to be different because only way to survive is move forward, not backwards. I really think, it was someone special who build first wheel, decided to fried potato in oil, or wrote a book about how to travel to moon.