Monday 30 April 2018


Oh I don't say I'm right. I just say how I currently feel and think.
For longest of time I've taken my partner for granted. Because of my illnesses our relationship has changed and currently even we don't know where we stand.
I love her and she love me, there's no doubt in that. But everything else is quite hard to explain at the moment.
I live in place where I have accepted that someday she might want or need to leave. I feel she has all the right to do so, but I  don't prepare for that. What I do, but my difficulties side, try to make her feel better with me.
I understand now that I can't make her happy, that's her “job” but I can try to be better. She's not only my wife, she's also my best friend and the one I trust. She's been with me through hell and I owe her more than I can ever repay.
So. I love her and we have decided that we define our relationship as we feel right for us.
I don't feel it's right that, she has to pour me tea because I can't, even that I hardly ever am in that bad shape.
I know she doesn't deserve the megalomaniac I am when my bipolar medication doesn't work. Or zombie when fibro cloud my thoughts.
After all, I think, I could be wrong, my adhd is the least of my difficulties to burden her.
I feel the marriage should be in balanced, work together, equal and loving in friendship and erotic way. Most of time I haven't been that, first because I thought it was then later because I was so bad shape that I couldn't. Now I'm place that I can and will be more for her.
It must be hard to live with someone like me. Person who is far from stable and trustworthy but not by choice. I can only imagine how it feels to be in relationship with such a burden. If I would do all this crap, because I wanted, I believe I would be alone. So.. I'm really not sure who in this family is most tired right now when my medication, therapy and all is on hold, except the medication.. I'm sure we both are horrified yet hopeful that my medication situation get fixed soon so I can be more me again.
I love my wife but I also know I'm a burden to her. Sometimes I think I should just leave, so she could have easier life.

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