It just hit me
That most of the medicine that doctors have told me to eat are, in the streets REEEEAALLY liked stuff.
I'm not selling, don't worry about that.
But it does make one wonder, wonder that what does those do to me, and how hypocritical it is for doctors, the same doctors who have told me to eat these highly addictive drugs do admit that quite normal cannabis could work better. Yet.. Cannabis is illegal.
Do I smell capitalism here? Drug companies make drugs, get big money out of it (bigger money from other countries than from here, but still) and it feel to me that the same corporations that make big money from their chemicals... wait.. did the font just change? ... are behind that light cannabis is still illegal in so many countries.. Because... It would be ouf of their pockets if normal people could grow their own medicine? It did change, and Blogger wont let me change it back or anything else... weird.
No, I don't know would cannabis help my pains or my constant brain difficulties. I do have friends in countries where cannabis is legalish or, some cases where Doctors just dare to write it to patients more than here, and some of them suffer similar... difficulties, and they do get help from these... natural herbs.
Well, I'm quite sure, that I will never know. Finland is promised land of the alcohol, our government does not dare to do much about that because we have still so strong, "It's normal to be drunk as hell every weekend" mentality and most of our nations problems are caused by alcohol one way or another... but it's illegal to grow a weed that help ones pain and ease the mind.
Yeh, I know it might cause some problems too, I say might, because, funny enough, all the scientific data I've seen this far has told the opposite.
Well, I eat my doctor orders drugs. Keep on trying to find some help from "Modern Western Medical science" because sadly, I don't want to try my luck with the law. Because I'm sick, unemployed man and I've seen we don't have much rights in here.
That most of the medicine that doctors have told me to eat are, in the streets REEEEAALLY liked stuff.
I'm not selling, don't worry about that.
But it does make one wonder, wonder that what does those do to me, and how hypocritical it is for doctors, the same doctors who have told me to eat these highly addictive drugs do admit that quite normal cannabis could work better. Yet.. Cannabis is illegal.
Do I smell capitalism here? Drug companies make drugs, get big money out of it (bigger money from other countries than from here, but still) and it feel to me that the same corporations that make big money from their chemicals... wait.. did the font just change? ... are behind that light cannabis is still illegal in so many countries.. Because... It would be ouf of their pockets if normal people could grow their own medicine? It did change, and Blogger wont let me change it back or anything else... weird.
No, I don't know would cannabis help my pains or my constant brain difficulties. I do have friends in countries where cannabis is legalish or, some cases where Doctors just dare to write it to patients more than here, and some of them suffer similar... difficulties, and they do get help from these... natural herbs.
Well, I'm quite sure, that I will never know. Finland is promised land of the alcohol, our government does not dare to do much about that because we have still so strong, "It's normal to be drunk as hell every weekend" mentality and most of our nations problems are caused by alcohol one way or another... but it's illegal to grow a weed that help ones pain and ease the mind.
Yeh, I know it might cause some problems too, I say might, because, funny enough, all the scientific data I've seen this far has told the opposite.
Well, I eat my doctor orders drugs. Keep on trying to find some help from "Modern Western Medical science" because sadly, I don't want to try my luck with the law. Because I'm sick, unemployed man and I've seen we don't have much rights in here.